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How to Have a Healthy Diet with a Busy Schedule : Importance of Fruits & Vegetables in Diets

Healthy Eating

How to Maintain Beautiful Nails?

Beautiful nails are as important as other accessories like clothing, jewelry, and shoes in the lives of women. Hands and nails are something that people always notice about the other person. So its necessary to maintain beautiful and neat nails. Life is busy; one has to fulfill a lot of other commitments other than just taking out time for nail maintenance. So the steps to maintain healthy nails ought to be quick and easy.

Nail Biting: The most damaging habit for your nails is nail biting. It brutally damages your nails and makes them look very unappealing and unattractive. Moreover it also slower downs their growth.

Trimming: Make a habit to trim and file your nails regularly. Remove the dead skin near cuticles. Also remove any dirt or dead skin beneath the nails.

Use Proper tools: Make sure that you use the special tools manufactured for manicure purpose. This practice will definitely give you best results prevent the breaking of nails and will put off infections or discomforts. Never try to pull out the dead skin or cuticles manually.

Care while use detergents: Whenever you dip your hands to any chemical or detergents or cleaning solutions, make a habit to use rubber gloves having soft cotton lining inside. The harsh chemicals in such solutions make your nails get dehydrated and dull.

Use of Moisturizer: Never forget to apply a mild skin moisturizer to your hands and nails after using cleaning solution or detergent. This will prevent your nails from drying up. Moreover dry nails are tending to cut and break; so applying a moisturizer will avert nail breakage.

Moisturizing before sleeping: Take out some time, and try to use moisturizer for your hands and nails before you slip to bed. After that wear gloves, this will help dissemination of the cream into the nail plate, thus giving you extra ordinary results.

Nail Polish Remover: Avoid using as much nail polish remover as you can. It would be better if you find out such brands as are free of acetone so that your nails don’t loose their shine and don’t get pale yellow.

Diet and nutrition: Vitamins A, B, D and calcium are the best food for your nails. Try to include as much of them in your diet. Go for natural sources of vitamins and calcium rather than supplements. A balanced diet will definitely give you a difference in both your nails and over all health as well.

More Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails

  • If your nails are too brittle and dry, you should increase the consumption of food that items rich in vitamin A (such as apricots, broccoli, carrot and cheese) and calcium (such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and almonds).
  • Every night, before you go off to sleep, wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry with a towel and apply a hand moisturizer. Thereafter, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly into the cuticle as well as the skin surrounding your nails.
  • Whenever you are indulging in any kind of housework, be it doing the dishes or scrubbing the bathroom, make sure to wear hand gloves. This will prevent unnecessary chipping and save your nails from the harsh cleaners as well.
  • Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. It will help keep your body, and in turn your nails, well hydrated.
  • Carrot juice is rich in calcium and phosphorus and helps strengthen your nails. So, try to consume as much fresh carrot juice as is possible for you.
  • Never ever use an acetone-based or formaldehyde-based nail-polish remover. Rather, stick to a remover that has acetate in it.
  • Do not file you nails just after you have had a shower or have washed your hands. This is because wet nails tend to break easily.
  • While filing your nails, make sure to go in one direction only. Do not move the filer in a back-and-forth motion, as it makes your nails brittle.
  • If you want to keep your nails strong and shiny, resort to nail buffing. It augments the blood supply to the nail, in turn stimulating its growth.
  • Stay away from artificial nails as much as possible. Apart from destroying the underlying nail with their chemicals and glue, they might also lead to fungal infection of the fingernails.
  • If you are suffering from the problem of hangnails, it is advisable to eat food rich in protein, vitamin C and folic acid.
  • Ensure that half of your diet is made up of fresh fruits and raw vegetables. This will supple your nails with the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
  • Supplementing your diet with spirulina and kelp will help make your nails strong and healthy.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails. So, make sure to include enough of the vitamin in your diet.

For healthy nails, follow these simple tips:

    Consume foods containing calcium and zinc. Calcium effectively promotes nail growth. (You know those little white spots that show up on your nails in funny places sometimes? Those spots mean you aren't getting enough zinc in your diet.)

    Consume less sugar and less alcohol.

    Do not use your nails as tools. No picking, plucking, poking, prying�

    Don�t bite your nails. Try applying nail polish or painting a bitter-tasting liquid to the nails. Such products have been specially designed to help people quit their nail-biting habits.

    Don't remove hangnails by pulling at them. Gently clip them with manicure scissors to prevent damage to your skin and tissue.

    Eat fewer saturated fats.

    Ensure that you consume enough protein.

    Increase your intake of Vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

    Keep your nails short to prevent breakage.

    Leave your cuticles alone.

    Moisturize your nails often. When you apply lotion to your hands, legs or other areas, be sure to rub a little bit into your nails.

    Reduce the amount of dairy in your diet.

    Trim nails regularly, as needed. Use an emery board or nail file to smooth rough edges after trimming and when a nail breaks.

If you want to have beautiful healthy nails, it may not cost you a trip to the salon. Commit to a healthier diet, better habits and pick up some pretty nail polish for an at-home manicure. With a little time, discipline and dedication, you can enjoy healthy, strong and shiny nails with little effort.

Healthy Nails

Diet and Tips for Healthy Nails

Do you know that your fingernails and toenails can indicate potential problems in other parts of your body? Healthy nails should typically sport a pink hue, but sometimes they may change in tone and texture, signifying a deficiency in certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

If you keep your nails healthy and strong, you should notice changes in the composition and color of your nails. Keeping your nails healthy holds a twofold benefit i) gorgeous fingertips and tootsies and a helpful clue to learn if anything might be wrong

elsewhere in your body. And while we don't necessarily think of nails as gauges of our health in most cases, we sure do love getting dolled up and showing them off!

To begin your quest for healthy nails, first make a commitment to eating healthier foods. You can still enjoy the foods you love, but you should make a conscious effort to consume healthy fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish and eggs, among other nail-friendly foods.

Enjoy these great foods for healthy nails:

  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Brown rice
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Liver
  • Nuts
  • Onions
  • Salmon
  • Seeds
  • Soy
  • Tuna
  • Whole grains