For healthy nails, follow these simple tips:
Consume less sugar and less alcohol. Do not use your nails as tools. No picking, plucking, poking, prying� Don�t bite your nails. Try applying nail polish or painting a bitter-tasting liquid to the nails. Such products have been specially designed to help people quit their nail-biting habits. Don't remove hangnails by pulling at them. Gently clip them with manicure scissors to prevent damage to your skin and tissue. Eat fewer saturated fats. Ensure that you consume enough protein. Increase your intake of Vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Keep your nails short to prevent breakage. Leave your cuticles alone. Moisturize your nails often. When you apply lotion to your hands, legs or other areas, be sure to rub a little bit into your nails. Reduce the amount of dairy in your diet. Trim nails regularly, as needed. Use an emery board or nail file to smooth rough edges after trimming and when a nail breaks. If you want to have beautiful healthy nails, it may not cost you a trip to the salon. Commit to a healthier diet, better habits and pick up some pretty nail polish for an at-home manicure. With a little time, discipline and dedication, you can enjoy healthy, strong and shiny nails with little effort.Consume foods containing calcium and zinc. Calcium effectively promotes nail growth. (You know those little white spots that show up on your nails in funny places sometimes? Those spots mean you aren't getting enough zinc in your diet.)