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Posted on 9:40 PM by Lala

Diabetes - smoking worsens some of the health complications caused by type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes. Smoking raises the blood sugar level, making it harder to control the high blood sugar levels caused by diabetes.

Blood Circulation - because your blood carries less oxygen and more plaque, you are more likely to suffer dangerous blood clots and strokes, back pain and blockages of the tiny blood vessels in the eyes, ears and other organs. This can lead to poor circulation in your hands, feet and limbs, which can cause severe pain, especially when exercising, and can result in gangrene and amputation.

Infections - bacteria and viruses can more easily enter and take hold in your body because smoking damages the lining of your throat and lungs and weakens your immune system.

Breathing Problems - in the long term, you are more likely to have some degree of emphysema, a disease that causes progressive shortness of breath, as smoking cuts the amount of oxygen able to be carried from the air into your blood. As a smoker you will be more prone to asthma attacks because smoking narrows your airways.

Ageing - you will look prematurely aged, as wrinkles appear around your eyes and mouth sooner and deeper than in a non-smoker. A woman who smokes tends to reach menopause one or two years earlier than a non-smoker or an ex-smoker because smoking reduces the amount of oestrogen in her body. She is more likely to develop osteoporosis - the weakening of the bones that accompanies ageing.

Hearing - you may lose your hearing earlier than a non-smoker, and are more susceptible to hearing loss due to ear infections and loud noise. This is due to decreased blood flow to the inner ear resulting from plaque build up on the blood vessel walls.

If you are tempted to smoke, or already do smoke, here are a few strategies for you next time you feel like lighting up. I do feel, though, that ‘the decision’ is the most important thing. If you don’t make ‘the decision’ to quit, you will never be able to do it. On the other hand, if you do make ‘the decision’, you’ll do it even though it won’t be easy. Once you’ve made the decision, if you feel the urge to ‘light up’ -

  1. stop yourself, have a drink of water, breathe deeply and find something else to do;
  2. do try to eat healthy food and get some extra exercise;
  3. recognise that social pressures may impact on your choice to not smoke;
  4. get help and support from family and friends;
  5. quitting smoking is a challenge - it will help you believe in yourself;
  6. beat this challenge and you’ll be ready to take on other challenges;
  7. find new ways to deal with stress and difficult emotions;
  8. be proud of saying "No thanks".

I hope this will help you to ‘make that decision’ to give up that unhealthy habit of smoking and to experience the benefits of quitting.